Track list/collaborators include:
→ Alberto Ortega Trejo on factories of knowledge;
→ Andrew Beltran (and friends) reading and queuing up songs from his book "The Best Weapon is the Weapon of Learning," on neoliberal educational institutions and self-organized reactions;
→ Chantal Garduño Israde on communal pedagogy as plots—for germination, cross-pollination, and compost in ecosystems for learning; Christopher Good's "scratch tone threnodies for cornstalk fiddles";
→ Joelle (yokas) Mercedes’ "prairie choreography"—a goldfinch, landscapes, murmurs of a distant classroom, and a choreography built on smoke, questions, and incomprehension;
→ punk, reggae, and "footballina" via Kevin McCaughey;
→ radio spugna on their spongey, precarious, and extra-educational approach to self-training;
→ Robida Collective's field-recorded "Seeds of Learning-With"—zero effort, no theory, naps, and river walks;
→ Tamara Becerra Valdez reading Michael Taussig on a low-tech, craft-oriented, and open-source "traveling school" for seeds and the stories they contain.
June Jordan, Mario Savio, and Hermeto Pascoal also sound off.
Arranged by Jacob Lindgren.
Passate a trovarci da Rumore (via Vittorio Veneto, 64-66), troverete le maglie in collaborazione con Noemi Vola, il libro-manuale di radio spugna, i biglietti della lotteria e tanto, tanto altro.
Vulnerabilità, illustrazione e rapporto tra tipografia e immagine sono alcuni dei temi affrontati durante la puntata.
→ NTS Live
→ Visions du Réel, festival di documentari in Svizzera
→ Jake White, America musician, guitarist and lead singer of the rock duo The White Stripes.
→ Robert M. Pirsig Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
→ Art! on the Underground. on The White Pube website
→ Bulbils Bandcamp
Questi i riferimenti portati dalla nostra ospite Silvia Sfligiotti:
→ Improvisation Summer School, ideata da Alice Godfroy del Master Danse: Improvisation, Transmissions, Archives della Université Côte d'Azur Nizza.
→ João Fiadeiro Composição em tempo real: Anatomia de uma decisão
→ Stephen Nachmanovitch Free Play: Improvisation in Life and Art (ed. italiana: Il gioco libero della vita - Feltrinelli)
→ Sulla Contact Improvisation:
Nancy Stark Smith, Caught Falling
Steve Paxton, Gravity
→ Ann Cooper Albright How to Land: Finding Ground in an Unstable World (libro su come tramite il corpo possiamo stare al mondo anche in momenti di crisi)
→ Libri di Andrea Olsen:
Bodystories: A Guide to Experiential Anatomy
Body and Earth: An Experiential Guide (Body Earth Website)
Tesi triennale di Noemi Pigliapochi in Progettazine Grafica e Comunicazione Visiva presso l’ISIA di Urbino.
Visita il sito “Community Garden”